

Consistency is when designing interfaces to have similar operations and use similar elements for achieving similar task.

In consistency, the systems are usable and learn-able when similar concepts are expresses in similar ways. Consistency also enables people to quickly transfer prior knowledge to new contexts and focus on relevant tasks.

There are 4 types of consistency:

1. Aesthetics
2. Functional
3. Internal
4. External


Figure 4.4.1 : NIVEA products

Figure 4.1.2: watson products

1.The style and appearance is repeated and consistence to enhance recognition and communicates membership.

2.For example, NIVEA and watson logo, font and graphic is still same even for different use.


Figure 4.1.3:electrical fan regulator

The meaning and action are consistent to improve learnability and understanding. For example, the fan speed sign switch on Figure 4.1.3 shows that if the number of regulator is increase, the speed of spinning electical fan also increase.

Figure 4.1.4:road sign
1. Consistency with other elements in the design.

2. Have a sense of orientation and trust that indicates design is well thought out and planned.

3. For example, the road signage. The red colour on signboard is used to warn user with vehicle cannot enter the place.


Figure 4.1.5: PC

Figure 4.1.5: LCD

1. Consistent with other elements in the elements in the environment
2. Extends the benefit of internal consistencies across multiple, independent design.

3. More difficult to achieve because the different systems rarely observed the same design standards.

The Figure 4.1.5 is consistent with elements on Figure 4.1.5. They are consistent in term of interface of software which is both useful for user. However, Figure 4.1.5 which is LCD projector interface of software extends the benefit for user because the interface is more widely and can make user see the interface of software very clearly and vividly.


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