Gestalt Principle of Perception

The gestalt theorist was the first group of psychologist to systematically study perception organization around the 1920, in Germany.  The Principle of Gestalt describes how people organize visual elements into-groups or unified wholes when certain principles are applied.

It subsists of five principles:


            This principle identify a design which share visual characteristics such as shape, size, colour, texture, value or orientation will be seen as belonging together.

Picture above shows the similarity of the pattern, shape, size and the colour. It is to make sure the building is well build and have the same stability.


            This principle refers to when the learner's eyes are compelled to move through an object and continue to another object connected points from a straight line or a curving line.


            This principal refers to objects that are grouped together are seen as a whole. Learners often see the object as a complete figure even though there are parts which are missing.

Picture above shows the AIRFORCE word isn't complete  beacause the letter "O" is not there, but we understand the symbol it does represent the letter of "O" because we already familiar with this pattern in our life. .


            This principal refers to objects which are near to each other will be grouped together as one. 

Picture shows the keypad that close together and it is related to each others. Keypad on this remote will be use for changing the channel or sending command to the Astro recorder. Each button at keypad has different letter or number but it is related to each others.

 Figure and Ground

            This principal describes the tendency of similar objects {figure} are contrasted with the non-similar objects {background} to give an impression of a whole.

Picture above shows that, the ice cream {figure} does bring out the main purpose of this advertising despite the background.

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